Dr. Chu Acupuncture Clinic

Now accepting Insurance!

Dr. Chu is now available for appointments in Hudson, WI!


Welcome to Dr. Chu Acupuncture Clinic!

Dr Chu pinkDr. Qin Chu graduated from the Shandong University of Traditional Chinese medicine, China in 1995. She gained her Ph.D. of Acupuncture in 2006, working at Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine afterward. Following several top acupuncturists in the world while in her Masters and Ph.D. Program has brought much wisdom and insight into the understanding of Acupuncture. In her more than 20 years of practice, she has treated thousands of patients of varying health conditions with Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In 2009, she moved to the United States and taught and practiced at American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as well as serving as the Director of the Doctoral Program until she started her own practice in 2016. She is a nationally certified practitioner of both Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and also a licensed Acupuncturist in both Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Dr. Chu combines classical acupuncture in a modern way for practicing in todays climate of healthcare, which has brought great benefits to her patients. As most of her students have said, she is an expert in using acupuncture to treat all kinds conditions afflicting people today. She is a treasure to the acupuncture community, as well as to her patients  seeking care through Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

If you are looking for another approach to healthcare, no matter what goal you may be seeking, you know you are in the right hands when you see Dr. Chu! Compassion, understanding, and gentleness are abundant in her clinic and care. Her extensive knowledge and experience will assure you that the path to recovery can indeed be enjoyable and relaxing as you experience your shifting and improving health. See the benefits of Acupuncture for yourself by stopping in to chat or calling our clinic for an appointment, and start on your road to better health!
